
NaNoWriMo Day 4 (04/11/2019)

Hi dear readers!

I have decided that I want to make a daily update during this month, instead of making them as weekly posts. What do you think about this? Do let me know in the comments section.
Today is a very productive day for me and I can see, from my word tracker page, that I’m have been improving my progress in word counts every day.

I want to know whether there are people out there that are willing to make a nest at home and not wanting to go out. Does anyone do that? I know I do. I know I’m still waiting for my next contracted work to start so I have no work-life as of now.

I have just started the second chapter of my story. If you read from my Preptober post, I have been trying out the Save the Cat beat sheet. I made my own for Act 1 and the beginning of Act 2 (or Act 2a).

The good side of NaNo is done. The only difficulty I had for today was that I felt like my “Setup” section is so out of place. It feels like there are so many scenes and it feels very out of place.

Total word = 1,316 words

How do you know that your scenes felt right in your “Setup” section? Please do leave your comments down below.

Thank you so much. Until next time.

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